Sie befinden sich hier:

  1. Angebote
  2. Beratung
  3. Refugee Counselling Office

Counselling office for refugees and asylum seekers

Assistance and support

Foto: Jörg F. Müller/DRK

The German Red Cross in Neuss provides free and independent counselling for immigrants. We want to help people and their families to organize their lives in Germany independently and on their own responsibility. The focus is set on counselling that provides help in dealing with authorities and institutions and supports enrolling suitable language courses. But we are also the right place for other concerns.

These are our consulting services

  • Information and assistance with asylum, residence and social law issues
  • Assistance with social and health issues
  • Arrangement of language courses
  • Advice on personal and family issues
  • Support in dealing with authorities and institutions
  • Assistance with employment applications and job searches


Contact us

We take time for your individual situation. To make an appointment, you can reach us by phone - or via our contact form.

Our adress

DRK-Kreisverband Neuss e.V.
Refuge Counceling
Friedrichstraße 33
41460 Neuss

Your contact

Contact: Kristina Schubert
Phone: 02131 66528 23
E-mail: fluechtlingsberatung(at)

Contact us

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